FRP Project Gallery

FRP Water Absorption example"

Water Absorption in Pultruded and Moulded FRP

Manufacturers will often mention a level of water absorption in FRP and quote a percentage of let’s say 3%.   What does this mean to the FRP you are purchasing for a project? Ask yourself these two questions. Is this the amount of water absorption to expect in the FRP when it is used in infrastructure? […]

Project category: Blog
FRP grating mesh in yellow"

Rule of Thumb when Specifying the Correct Size FRP Grating Mesh for a Service Platform

The code in Australia for Fixed Platforms and Walkways is AS 1657 and section 4.5 states;  “Where persons have access to or work beneath any platform or landing, the floor of such platform or landing shall be designed, or provided with protection, to prevent objects falling through the floor reaching the area below. NOTE: Protection […]

Project category: Blog

How do you determine what size your FRP grating panel should be?

When you order an FRP grating panel for a project, there are a couple of things you may want to consider; In our previous blog, we discussed how to ensure you have a strong enough grating for the job, you know what thickness grating panel you need but what are the overall dimensions you should […]

Project category: Blog
Argos frp floor grating"

Calculating Deflection of FRP Grating from Manufacturer’s Load Tables

So, you’ve decided to select FRP Grating for a platform floor or trench cover? First things first, you need to know that the thickness of grating you have selected will be suitable as far as the amount of deflection the grating will experience. How to Interpret the Tables 1. Deflection using a manufacturer’s Uniform Load […]

Project category: Blog
FRP Grating"

The Most Basic Types of FRP Gratings

In our last post, we told you 5 things you need to know about FRP Grating. For those of you that are not familiar with Fibre Reinforced plastic/polymer grating, this article will give you a simplified summary and helpful background on FRP before you dive into reading this post.    For those of you that ARE familiar with FRP, […]

Project category: Blog


We can supply a wide range of standard structural profiles such as channels, SHS, angles, tube, I beams and columns, as well as the capacity to develop custom profiles for specific requirements. Click here to download our Structural Profile Brochure.

Project category: FRP Products
FRP Grating"

5 things you need to know about Fibreglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) grating 

There’s a lot to know about FRP Grating – plenty of dense information about what it is, how it’s made and what environments suit the fibre reinforced plastic grating best are available online. It’s hard to know what information is most relevant to your needs. So, we’ve done the hard work for you. As an FRP […]

Project category: Blog


Argos FRP attended the 2017 AOG Conference on February 22-24th to showcase their FRP product expansion which now includes FRP tanks, pipes, odour covers, ducts & much more. Click here to view the full range of products.

Project category: Timeline

August 2016

Intech commits to expansion with 6 new pultrusion machines and leasing new factory adjacent to existing premises in Selangor. Total capacity will be 6Mt pa.

Project category: Timeline

July 2016

Argos FRP enters into a new exclusive supply agreement for FRP tanks , Pipes and Vessels with Yunku SDB BHD in Malaysia

Project category: Timeline

May 2016

Argos FRP enters into an exclusive arrangement with Ercon Composites for supply of a range of FRP products including Odour Covers, Trench Covers, E Safe Safety Ladders and Platforms and FRP Solar frames and Support Systems.

Project category: Timeline
Perth Water Treatment plant."

April 2016

Argos completes 16 platforms for Perth Water Treatment plant.

Project category: Timeline


Exhibitor at the AOG Expo in Perth for 3rd consecutive year

Project category: Timeline


Enter into a Collaboration Agreement with UWA and Monash Universities researching FRP.

Project category: Timeline


Practical completion of the Jetty replacement contract.

Project category: Timeline
AOG exhibitor"


Exhibitor at the AOG expo in Perth.

Project category: Timeline


The company rebrands, changing our name from ABBIX to Argos FRP. (Argos in Illinois is the birthplace of Russell Games Slaytey, the inventor of Fiberglass).

Project category: Timeline


Secure a multi-million dollar contract to design and deliver jetty panels to replace an existing wooden jetty in the Pilbara.

Project category: Timeline


Receive our second R&D grant, boosting total R&D spend to over $3 million in 3 years.

Project category: Timeline


Relocate to 26 Howe Street, Osborne Park, WA.

Project category: Timeline

JUNE 2014

Manufacturing shifts from Australia to Malaysia, with Intech producing all FRP products. Intech buy the MPI pultrusion machine, expanding their production capacity to 14 machines.

Project category: Timeline


Exhibitor at the AOG expo in Perth.

Project category: Timeline


Negotiate an exclusive Australian distribution agreement with Intralink Techno Sdn Bhd Malaysia (Intech), to import and distribute their industrial FRP product range.

Project category: Timeline

JUNE 2013

Arrange an exclusive distribution agreement with M&B Sales (a WA building product distributor) for diamond deck and work closely with them to bring the product to market.

Project category: Timeline


An FRP alfresco decking “diamond deck” is designed.

Project category: Timeline

JUNE 2010

ABBIX Industries Pty Ltd (now trading as Argos FRP) was incorporated. The company purchases a Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) pultrusion machine from US company MPI and leases a 1,100m2 factory in Landsdale, WA.

Project category: Timeline

APRIL 2004

Mr. Fraser Tonner founded ABBIX Engineering to develop a sustainable, modular, dE7 building system using polymers.

Project category: Timeline

Argos FRP Jetty Replacement

Argos designed a jetty plank to take a specified load for a Jetty in the northwest of WA. The design requirements were rigorously tested at the UWA test laboratory. Included in the design was a panel system to minimise jetty down time and installation costs. FRP was the ideal solution as its light weight enabled existing old infrastructure to be used, and because FRP is fire retardant and environmentally sustainable.

Project category: Coastal & Marine

Argos FRP Cyclone Rated Utility Building

“When nature calls, you’ve got to go”  and that’s what happened to a shed in the north west. A machinery Control Centre on a Ship Loader was destroyed by a Catagory 4 cyclone and our client commissioned Argos FRP to design and build a pre-fabricated building to replace the original.

Project category: Coastal & Marine

Water Treatment Plant platforms and stairs

Like most water treatment plants, there is particular attention paid to the problems of corrosion. The use of a varied number of chemicals and acids, more or less means that only materials like FRP and stainless steel is acceptable for construction of various access platforms, drain covers , pipes , vessels and tanks.

Project category: Water Treatment
Argos FRP Device